Bulimia Nervosa (BN)
Diagnostic Criteria of BN
Diagnostic Criteria is retrieved from Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders 5th Edition.
Signs and Symptoms of Bulimia Nervosa
- Frequent weight fluctuations
- Irregular menstruation
- Lethargy and tiredness
- Frequent vomiting leads to:
- Swollen parotid glands, tooth decay
- Imbalance in biochemical system that leads to heart problem
- Red marks leave on fingers due to harms of stomach acid
- Frequent use of laxatives lead to gastrointestinal and bowel disruptions
- Dehydration
- Feelings of loss of control, negative body image and being useless
- Preoccupied with automatic thinking on food and drive to be thin at the same time
- Body shape being the only thing for evaluating self image
- Feel depressed, anxious, guilt and urge to self-destruction after binging
- Intense and conflicted family members relationships
- Eat normally in front of others and then binge in secret
- Diminished social network due to ongoing avoidance to eat with others
- Vicious cycles of fasting and binge eating
- Consume extremely large amount of food in secret
- Conceal large amount of food at home in secret
- Stay in toilet for a long time after eating (for vomiting)
- Do excessive exercises, self-induce vomit, fasting/ dieting, take laxatives, diuretics or slimming pills after binging
- Stealing (especially food)
** If you suspect your family members, friends or yourself suffering from eating disorders, call us as soon as possible at our hotline 2850 4448. |