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Title: Life Without Ed -How One Woman Declared Independence from Her Eating Disorder and How You Can Too
Author: Jenni Schaefer, Thom Rutledge
About the book:
Jenni had been in an abusive relationship with Ed for far too long. He controlled Jenni’s life, distorted her self-image, and tried to physically harm her throughout their long affair.Then, in therapy, Jenni learned to treat her eating disorder as a relationship, not a condition. By thinking of her eating disorder as a unique personality separate from her own, Jenni was able to break up with Ed once and for all.
Title: Goodbye Ed, Hello Me - Recover from Your Eating Disorder and Fall in Love with Life
Author: Jenni Schaefer
About the book:
Jenni Schaefer and Ed (eating disorder) are no longer on speaking terms, not even in her most difficult moments. In her bestseller, Life Without Ed, Jenni learned to treat her eating disorder as a relationship, not a condition—enabling her to break up with Ed once and for all.
Title: Bulimia-A Guide to Recovery
Author: |
About the book:
This intimate guidebook is a 25th anniversary edition of Hall and Cohn's original bestseller. It offers a complete understanding of bulimia and a plan for recovery, with practical self-help tools, answers to frequently asked questions, a two-week program to stop bingeing, specific advice for loved ones, and "Eat Without Fear," Hall's story of self-cure which has inspired thousands of other bulimics.
Title: Anorexia Nervosa- A Guide to Recovery
Authors: Lindsey Hall, Monika Ostroff
About the book:
Anorexia nervosa, in simple terms, is self-starvation. However, it is a complex problem with intricate roots; and, recovery is best accomplished with a grasp of sound information, specific tasks, and the support of others.